Sunday, August 19, 2007

Don’t let Bernanke’s effort goes to waste!

I’ll cut to the chase; it’s time to Buy.

Key Points:
1. Fed cuts key interest rate. This shows that Bernanke is now more concern about the credit crisis than inflation, and Fed is willing to take steps to address the issue.
2. S’pore government forecast economy will grow by 8%.
3. Companies’ fundamental still solid. Large majority are reporting good results.
4. MM Lee in Tanjong Pagar National Day dinner said ‘Whatever the troubles, they will go away in weeks, if not months. What we’re absolutely sure of about east Asia is that it is set to grow.’

For those who have been loading up the arsenal, now is time to pull the trigger. I know it has been stressful the passed 2 weeks, I believe this correction is coming to an end. Hang on there and you will be rewarded for your cool logical mind. Remember, Buy Low, Sell High.

Disclaimer: All shares recommendations in this Blog are my personal opinion. Readers are encouraged to do their own research before investing. Remember, it’s your own money! I will not be liable for any losses incurred.

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