Wednesday, July 11, 2007

China Fish - Time to wake up!

Time to accumulate. This Fish somehow escaped the BB's net.

China's food product has caused a great concern for its low hygiene level. That in a way is Good for China Fishery. China Fish main fishing ground is Pacific Ocean (95.6%). They don't catch fish from your back yard's pond. Consumer who are concern will switch from eating fresh water fish to sea water fish. This will improve profit for China Fishery.
Flooding and river contamination is another big concern in China, but again it has benefited China Fish! Flooding and other river chemical poisoning case means that there will be accute shortage of fresh water fish! Consumer got no choice but to buy sea water fish which is China Fishery Business.
At this moment, 50% Revenue is from China. the rest from Korea, Japan and Europe. With expansion in Peru, u can see that the % of revenue from China will drop, hence the Business risk will also be reduced. Great Move by its Management!

EPS 2004=5.79, 05=10.05, 06=13.4. Constant, Steady growth averaging 60%.
Q1 profit U$30.5m which is 45.3% up compare to Q1 06'.

It's cleverly executed expansion in South America - Peru, should see further grow in new future.
Balance sheet also looks solid. Current asset in Cash term (U$57.6M) is more than it's Total Current Liabilities (U$48.4M). In another words, no problem with cash flow at all!
Today Price drop to 2.31, providing a very good buy opportunity base on it's daily chart.

Target $3.30 by year end.

Disclaimer: All shares recommendations in this Blog are my personal opinion. Readers are encouraged to do their own research before investing. Remember, it’s your own money! I will not be liable for any losses incurred.

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