Monday, July 16, 2007

SC Global – The Best of Breed

Everyone can see that property counters are on the rise. Everyone will want to ride the wave. The question is, which counter? CDL? UOL? Capitaland? The answer is simple – get the Best of Breed, and SC GLOBAL is one of the Best!!

Why SC the Best?
When property price is on the rise, high-end market (District 9,10) is the one that takes the lead. This is the segment that generate the highest yield. And Luxury high-end market is exactly what SC is concentrating on. At the moment, SC is in the midst of launching 2 high end projects – The MarQ and Hilltops
Land bank is important for a property company for its continue growth. On 16 Jun, SC acquired a 43000 sq ft piece of land at the prestigious Ardmore area. SC also owns site at Muthuraman/Narayanan Chetty Road. In Jan 06, it also acquired an adjacent property at Martin Road. At his moment, SC is also developing a freehold commercial development “Newton 200” at Newton Road, which will be its investment property.
Impressive Financial:
Net profit after tax: FY05 = 9.4m, FY06 = 16.9m, FY07 (forecast) = 124.3m!
As of FY06, Current assets = 565.5m, as compare to Current liabilities of 72.5m.
EPS for 1Q07 (7.55) increased 680% as compare to 1Q06 (1.05).

At the moment, the shares is in a consolidation phase, trading in a tight range between $6.5 to $6.7. This provides a very good opportunity to accumulate.
Base on its daily chart, the next price surge can be expected in Aug, with a target of $8.10.

Here is what others say:
Philips: Price Target $8.00
UOB KayHian Price Target $8.14.
DBS Vickers: Price Target S$ 8.40
Disclaimer: All shares recommendations in this Blog are my personal opinion. Readers are encouraged to do their own research before investing. Remember, it’s your own money! I will not be liable for any losses incurred.

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